domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Proselytism, Mr. President is wrong/ Proselitismo, el señor presidente está equivocado

President Mauricio Funes warned that he will remove from his/her duties any goverment official if he/she is involved in the mayors an congressists election campaing in 2012.

To understand this situation correctly we´ll check the meaning of the word "proselytism", this is the act of attempting to convert people to have a particular opinion or cause.

We are supposed to share some ideals to have a better society without any division , it would be great to share the same ideal of welfare, but "to share" the same thoughs with everyone is an utopic way of thinking.

The truth is that every politician should be loyal to the people who voted for him or her, but politicians are loyal
to the political party who led them to win.

In El Salvador the organized effort of a lot of people allowed to persuade the voters to led Mauricio Funes to win the Presidential election, because of that the power was not kept by the same small group of privilege that used to govern.

Public Administrators in the goverment should´t take advantage from their position to receive personal benefits,
but they have the right to follow their personal convictions and political affiliations and this labor is not over because Mauricio Funes won the last presidential election. Public functionaries needs to work constantly to transform the reality demostrating in public opinion that they have been good administrator with the power granted (if this is not made the other political party shows the opposite vision), for that reason is important to do proselytism to demonstrate have good has you been (If this is the case).

Mauricio Funes advirtió que destituirá a cualquier funcionario de su gobierno si se involucra en la campaña proselitista para los comicios municipales y legislativos del 2012.
Resulta indispensable analizar la palabra proselitismo, se le llama al intento o esfuerzo activo y activista de convertir a una o varias personas a una determinada causa.

Todos deberíamos de luchar por una misma causa y querer tener una sociedad mejor sin divisiones eso sería lo ideal, sería magnífico compartir un ideal común de bienestar, sin embargo este término "compartir" queda en calidad de utopía. La verdad es que cualquier político, del partido que sea, debería deberse a la población y no a su partido.

En el país el esfuerzo organizado de muchos llevó a influir en la decisión de los votantes que llevaron a Funes al poder y que no quedara en manos del pequeño grupo que siempre lo había tenido.

No se debe tomar ventaja del puesto de funcionario para tener beneficios personales, pero si se debe tener claro que la lucha sigue y no se termina con la llegada de Mauricio Funes al poder y que constantemente hay hacer transformar el país y dar cuentas de como se hizo, demostrar que el ejercicio del poder se hizo bien (sino el contrario dirá que se hizo mal) y por eso es importante hacer proselitismo.

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