martes, 28 de diciembre de 2021

Discriminatory attitudes of the president Bukele: Classism, malinchism and machismo

The primary porpouse of the State is to seek order, justice and the people. The head of State represents its unity and continuity before the state itself and internationally. Discrimination from the State is a type of violence that must be evidenced when it occurs for unequal treatment of a person or community based on racial, religious, physical, political, sex, age, physical or mental condition, sexual orientation. These are some examples of discrimination.

1. Classism: it is the attitude of those who defend discrimination on the grounds of belonging to another social class.

- Supermarkets were opened and the informal commerce were prohibited: During the beginning of the pandemic, informal and market sellers had difficulties to sell freely, both due to the exit restriction by DUI number, as well as the total closure measures or by hours decreed by the municipalities. There were even threats of merchandise confiscation if the measure was not complied with. In contrast, the large company - particularly the supermarkets - always remained open without interruption, despite being places with less ventilation and more closed.

- Meeting with businessmen in the presidential house: although it has had direct criticism with the ANEP for considering it a power group, but the reopening was negotiated with representatives of selected families (who are the elite within the privileged ones). Why does it claim to be on the side of the people, it only reaches agreements with privileged groups that represent big capital? In this sense, it should be remembered that they defend their own interests, and not the simplest traders and that they are the majority.

- Arbitrary returns from abroad during the quarantine for Covid 19: For months its was almost impossible to return to their country for many Salvadoreans abroad because the borders were closed. The officials ask for patience, but without a clear repatriation plan, the process allows arbitrary returns. Meanwhile, private flights have no entry or exit restriction to enter or leave the country.

2. Malinchismo: it is the tendency to prefer the foreigner or to people from outside the country and not to the national.

- Venezuelan Advisors in El Salvador: According to the El Faro investigations and what has become known from the different areas of the government in which the advisers act, it is that these characters are not above the president or the circle of his brothers, but yes of the members of the cabinet. The non-national does not have commitments to the country, does not aspire to popular election candidacies, does not fear that when the citizenry ceases to be a civil servant or the State itself will take its toll. His contract ends and he leaves. That is why their loyalty does not depend on more than a good pay for the one that is sold and that, in addition, is paid for with the money of all Salvadorans.

- Purchase of foreign products over national: This decision local affected at the agricultural producer, because beans, rice, milk and canned tuna were bought from Mexico, from a supposed "ghost company". According to Luis Treminio of the Salvadoran Chamber of Small and Medium Agricultural Producers (Countryside), these imports will have negative effects, since they are detrimental to local producers, who are largely poor people (who make a living from agriculture).

- Interview with foreigners and not to National media: for example, the president spoke with the Puerto Rican singer Residente on social networks, without time restriction and then with a Fox News presenter allied with former President Donald Trump, an anti-immigrant like him, and that in A play on words supported the phrase of the former US president when he assured that El Salvador, along with Haiti and African nations, were shitty countries. . In contrast, it has made interviews with local media difficult and limited, and has even been hostile to journalists on social media. To this is added that Venezuelans were hired as "presidential delegates" to manage the pandemic in El Salvador, it is reported that they mistreat national medical personnel and there is no transparency in their salaries. This is a form of elitism and malchism.

3. Machismo: Attitude or way of thinking of those who maintain that man is by nature superior to woman.

His support to misogynists like Walter Araujo: He has made repetitive misogynistic expressions that have even led him to legal proceedings against him, and even so he continues to have the support of the president, he even sought a New Ideas party candidacy.

His rejection of abortion: The president is now against abortion, which he believes affects the poorest women in the country - women who undergo out-of-hospital deliveries and have long sentences of up to 50 years in prison.

Some phrases that the president released were I am not in favor of abortion and I think that in the end, in the future, one day we will realize that it is a great genocide that is being committed with abortions "," we always punish the wrong person”.

Women in the cabinet: In his inauguration speech, President Nayib Bukele said that: "For the first time in the history of Our Country we are going to form a joint cabinet ... a cabinet of equal numbers of women and men." 2019: However, in 2019 only 22% of ministries, vice ministries, secretariats and autonomous are headed by a woman.

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